No! WealthGuard works on nearly all investment accounts in the US, including major brokerage firms like Fidelity, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Well Fargo, Edward Jones, and many, many more. If you do have questions about how you can better position your investments to reach your long-term financial goals, a WealthGuard Partner Advisor is more than happy to help point you in the right direction.
You can log in to our secure client portal at Once online, you’ll easily be able to track all your accounts, regardless of where they are located. WealthGuard also sends out weekly (or monthly if you prefer) progress reports so you always know where you currently stand in relation to your WealthGuard Value. For those that want the ultimate in proactive communication, WealthGuard also can send a simple and secure text message to your mobile device congratulating you each time your investments reach a new all time high, thereby increasing your WealthGuard Value.
WealthGuard automatically sends you an email and text message warning (if you authorize text/SMS messages) if any of your accounts reach 75% of their WealthGuard Number. This means if you have a 10% WealthGuard Number, and you have an account that is down 7.5% from its all-time closing high, you’ll get a notice. WealthGuard also sends an alert if you reach your full WealthGuard Number (a 10% decline from the all-time high based on the prior example). In addition to the proactive notifications, you will also see a yellow warning indicator on your online dashboard at the 75% warning level and a red alert indicator should the full WealthGuard Number be reached.
WealthGuard is a fresh idea created to address a long-standing problem, so we’re working hard to ensure all investors and all financial professionals have access. Starting a movement – and fixing an industry that has had problems for over a century – takes some time. If you have an advisor you think would benefit from WealthGuard, please suggest they visit
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